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Class Policies

Who can attend?

The family is welcome to attend the training classes, however you must keep young kids with you at all times. The main handler of the dog must be at least 18 years old.

Multiple Dogs

For reasons of safety, we do not allow a single handler to bring multiple dogs to class. If you have multiple dogs, please ensure that you have multiple handlers, one for each dog. Each handler must be 18 years +

Refunds & Transfers

Fees paid are non-refundable at any stage including the case of COVID19. Once a course date has been booked this can not be transferred to another date or location. Classes booked cannot be resold to a third party, the attendee must be as per the booking name. If classes are postponed due to COVID 19 & Government guidelines clients will be offered to transfer to our online course. There are no refunds at any stage.

What if I miss a class?

Dates are laid out on purchase please ensure you can commit to each week you are booked in for. Our courses hold a particular curriculum each week so this is why it is best to commit to 4 weeks consecutively. If you miss a week of your course you can follow the training manual which you will receive after week 1.

Weather Conditions

Classes do generally go ahead in all weather conditions, however with extreme rain or storms classes will be postponed until the following week. Your trainer will be in touch with as much notice as possible if postponing the day of the class, please check your emails.

Class Times & Dates

The scheduled time & date of the class may change depending on class size. Classes may be postponed until the following week or the time will change by approx. 1 hour.

Private Training

Once purchased the session/s must be used within a 6 month period. If you need to change a session, please provide us with 48-hour notice or you forfeit the session and it is non-refundable & we can not reschedule. Like our courses & workshops, these sessions are non-refundable at any stage.

Training Methods

We use positive reinforcement training technique only! We do not recommend mixing training methods. We do NOT allow any prong collars or shock collars of any sort. If you do arrive to class with non-positive training tools these will be confiscated.


It is your responsibility to ensure your dog is up to date with the vaccinations DHPPi & Lepto before attending our training class.

Kennel Cough is NOT a required vaccination for training but we do highly recommend your pet getting this vaccine before or after classes. If you do choose to get this vaccine you must wait at least 5 days before you can attend class.